Where to Find the Security Key on a Router

Receive to this instructor! Here, we'll have an overview of Secure Casing (SSH) protocol, then see how to configure it along a switch and a router in Packet Tracer.

An overview of SSH

Secure Beat out, just like Telnet, enables a drug user to access a remote gimmick and manage it remotely. However, with SSH, all information transmitted over a network (including usernames  and passwords) is encrypted and secure from eavesdropping.

SSH is a client-server protocol, with aSSH client and aSSH server. The client machine (such American Samoa a PC) establishes a association to  a SSH server running on a outback device (such as a router). Once the connection has been established, a network admin can execute commands on the remote device.

Configuring SSH on a router in Packet Tracer

For this  tutorial, we'll configure SSH happening the router so that you as the admin throne access and manage it remotely using an SSH customer on the admin PC.

And now on to it:

Outset build the network network topology.

ssh router topology

Then execute these basic IP configurations on the PC and the router:


Router(config)#int fa0/0 Router(config-if)#IP add Router(config-if)#no shut Router(config)#exit

PC : IP address Subnet mask Default gateway

Now, to lay out SSH connected the router, you'll need to:

1. Set Router's hostname

Router(config)#hostname myRouter

2. Down arena name

myRouter(config)#informatics domain name admin

Both the hostname and domain name will be ill-used in the swear out of generating encryption keys.

3. Now bring fort encryption keys for securing the session using the command crypto key bring fort rsa.

myRouter(config)#crypto key generate rsa  The list for the keys will be: myRouter.admin Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your  General Intention Keys. Choosing a tonality modulus greater than 512 may take  a hardly a proceedings.  How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024  % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]

4. Set an enable password .

myRouter(config)# enable password admin

Note that this password is not for use with SSH;  its only for use in accessing the privileged executive mode of the router after you are able to access its CLI remotely via SSH .

5.Set username and parole for local login.

myRouter(config)#username admin password admin

The  password testament hold to be provided before you can access the CLI of the router when using SSH.

6.Specialize the SSH version to role.

myRouter(config)#ip ssh version 2

7.Now connect to VTY lines of the Router and configure the SSH protocol.

myRouter(config)#descent vty 0  15 myRouter(config-line)#transport input ssh myRouter(config-line)#login local

That's all for configuration. Move along to see if you can accession the router remotely from the PC.

8. On the command prompting of the PC, unfold a SSH session to the remote router by typing the compel: ssh -l  admin

admin  is the username set in step 5.

9.  Cater the login password which you set in step 5 and press enter. You're now probably in the CLI of the router. Provide the enable countersign (the one you unmoving in step 4) to access the inside executive manner.

ssh router-PC authentication.PNG

You can continue and do configurations on the Router.You'atomic number 75 directly managing the router remotely from the PC.

That's IT!

At this full stop, let's displace on and configure SSH  on a electrical switch.

SSH form on a Switch

Here, we'll configure SSH on a multi-layer switch. The commands continue almost the equal as for the router; only that in a alternate, we'll use the Informatics address of its VLAN interface to access it  from the Microcomputer.

So then, let's move on.

  1. Set about by creating the network regional anatomy.

SSH switch topology.PNG

Then configure basic IP addressing on the PC and the tack. Connected the switch, we'll assign an IP address to a VLAN interface, just as we've aforesaid.


Substitution(config)#int vlan 1 Replacement(config-if)#ip add Switch(config-if)#atomic number 102 shut

Give the ADMIN Personal computer IP address /8

Now, to configure SSH on the multilayer switch, here are the stairs.

1.Configure hostname

Switch(config)#hostname SW1

2. Configure IP area nominate

SW1(config)#informatics field name admin

Both the host name and domain name will be used in the process of generating encoding keys.

3. Now generate encryption keys for securing the session.

SW1(config)#crypto key generate rsa  The constitute for the keys will be: SW1.admin  Choose the sized of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your  General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take  a fewer transactions.  How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024  % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys leave be non-exportable...[OK]

4.Set an enable password.

SW1(config)#enable word admin

Again,  note that enable password is non needfully secondhand in configuring SSH; IT will allow the admin to access code the privileged executive mode of the switch once a removed connection to the switch via SSH is established.

5. Set username and password for local anaesthetic login.

SW1(config)#username admin password admin

6. Specify the SSH version to role.

SW1(config)#ip ssh adaptation 2

7. Now connect to the VTY lines of the switch and configure SSH happening the lines.

SW1(config)#telephone line vty 0 15 SW1(config-line)#transport stimulant ssh SW1(config-line)#login local

That's all for SSH configuration on the switch. Move on and try to access the substitution remotely from the PC.

Indeed so:

8. On the command prompt of the Admin PC, open a SSH sitting to the switch over using the command ssh -l admin

Note that: admin is the username defined in step 5 while is the IP cover of the VLAN port of then switch.

***require prompt***

ssh switch PC authentication


  • We used a multi layer switch because we couldn't find support for SSH on stratum 2 switches in Mail boat Tracer.
  • We can still start  a SSH school term to a router/switch from another router/switch instead of a PC, as long as the router/switch supports SSH.

This concludes our tutorial on SSH.

All the superfine!

You may  also like to read:

  •  Telnet configuration on a switch and a router in Packet Tracer.
  • Configuring VLAN and interVLAN Routing in Packet boat Tracer

Where to Find the Security Key on a Router

Source: https://computernetworking747640215.wordpress.com/2018/07/05/secure-shell-ssh-configuration-on-a-switch-and-router-in-packet-tracer/

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